
Wacky Wednesday Interview: Kaotic Ekko's Curiosities

This week, I had the pleasure of interviewing Melissa Hamel-Smith (more commonly known as Mel or Kaos), owner and insane artist behind Kaotic Ekko's Curiosities. You can also check out Mel's blog, Facebook fan page, Myspace page, and follow her on Twitter. According to Mel..."if you can’t find me at one of these places please call the police because I’m probably dead." Good to know, Mel!

What tools are a must in your day to day business?
The internets! If the internet is down I feel handicapped. I draw a lot of inspiration and strength from my fellow artists, especially those on Plurk (like Amanda!). Having bipolar disorder sometimes requires a good swift kick in the butt as motivation and I know I can always count on my internet friends for that!

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
A cat, definitely! Big cat, little cat, doesn’t matter! They are so beautiful in appearance and movement. They are also very independent and terribly clever. I’m sure the 18 hour naps wouldn’t be that bad either!

What is your favorite color combination?
Black and pretty much anything (except maybe orange, yellow and brown).

What's your favorite drink?
COFFEE! I’m pretty sure my doctor counts my blood in cc's of caffeine rather than cell count! I’m a coffee snob though. No Tim Horton’s coffee, no instant coffee. Must be real cream and sugar! If you’re going to get a soy Sweet 'n Low decaf coffee you might as well lick pavement! Why bother? You really want to get on my good side? Bring me a gingerbread latte from Starbucks!

What could I find in your refrigerator right now?
Condiments. Husband has a HUGE problem buying condiments. If the world ended, however, I could probably survive on three or four types of mustard.

What is the last book you read?
Er. I don’t remember! I LOVE to read but I get so involved with my books that I lose track of time. So I don’t read unless EVERYTHING is done and I have time to “lose.” If I think real hard, the last book probably would’ve been from Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files series.
What blogs do you like to keep up to date with?
GHOULS GUILD - Keep up on what my fellow Ghouls and I have in store regarding our Halloween/dark art in our Artfire shops!

BENT OBJECTS by Terry Border - His work is hilarious. I can always count on it to make me smile. And he’s an awesome guy even though I only know him via Facebook.

TORONTO CRAFT ALERT - Keep up-to-date on all of Toronto’s crafty happenings!

CRAFT CRITIQUE - Amazing art product reviews and giveaways!

And there’s tons more…which is why my Google Reader reads 880 unread posts!
What's your favorite movie?
I can’t pick just one! Return to Oz, Sweeney Todd, Pirates, Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Coraline, Up… there’s loads of them!

What's the best part about selling online?
You get to meet so many people you never would have if it weren’t for the internet!

What's the biggest challenge being in business for yourself?
Not getting frustrated. When there are lulls in sales or craft shows are slow it’s very easy to want to give up. It’s especially hard if you have to be your own cheerleader. But stick with it and remind yourself why you’re in this business in the first place – the love of creating!

Tell us a little about how you manage your time.
Managed time? What’s that? My days are pretty much a free-for-all! I don’t really have a set schedule. I’m not sure I’d get more done if I did. I work best and am most creative under pressure. But I also get peeved when I can’t finish everything on time!

Thank you so much, Mel, for giving us a peek into Kaotic Ekko's Curiosities! Be sure to check out Mel's shop for all her great products!


  1. FABULOUS!!! Love learning more about our fellow Plurksters!!!!

  2. Thanks so much for the opportunity Amanda! The interview questions were great fun! xo



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